The Silwood Group

2014 | A Network

The Silwood Group is a transdisciplinary team of practitioners and scholars that I brought together to deepen our understanding of relationships between Nature, Evaluation, and Ecological Sustainability. From that understanding we began crafting a praxis for navigating the Anthropocene and creating a future we want.

The Silwood Group

A Paper: Systems Thinking and Evaluation


What is Praxis? A Flamingo! A Crow? Maybe a Macaw?

Fortunately nobody cares around here. We just do it.


How Did The Silwood Group Begin? A little Flat flattery, a few tax dollars, a good bbq and fried okra go a LOOOONNNNNNGGGG way.


The Day the Greater Flamingo became an icon. Seriously, have you ever experienced a time when flamingos were more highly celebrated than in the 20teens?!




Visionary Evaluation


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