Visionary Evaluation for a Sustainable, Equitable Future

2020 | A Book & A Way of Being

Visionary Evaluation - a Way of moving through the world - is presented and explored in the book titled Visionary Evaluation for a Sustainable, Equitable Future. The book, set in 2030, is a collection of stories about a more sustainable, equitable future.

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What’s the Visionary Evaluation Series all about?

Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the terrible’est youtuber of them all?


What’s the Visionary Evaluation Series all about?

Mirror mirror on the wall I can learn but will I ever be tall?


What Principles Do Visionary Evaluatives Live By? (Pg 2)

They’re hard to follow but they aren’t straightforward.


What’s The Book Visionary Evaluation All About?

Well it is about a more sustainable and equitable future and the well being of all life. To remember that I had to read from my notes, so the child and the flamingo are the best parts about this one…as usual


What’s The Book Visionary Evaluation All About?

The future of healthcare, education, design, transportation, law, nature conservation, ESG investment with a just a sprinkling of cyborgs, superintelligence, offworld migration, and the forgotten goal of civilization.


Juha Uitto Loves Visionary Evaluation! (back cover)

Need I say more. Quite possibly.


Michael Scriven Loves Visionary Evaluation! (back cover)

And we are grateful for your service to humanity and each of us.


Rodney Hopson Loves Visionary Evaluation! (back cover)

He may even still remember this exchange. Though I’m doubtful.


What’s Art Got to Do with Visionary Evaluation? (Cover).

Early warning system (Edward Shlain)?, Slenderest Knowledge (Thomas Aquinas)? Woven into our work (Paul Cillier)? All of the above.


What is the Deal with Blank Pages? (Pg Zero)

Better than lemons from lemonade…something out of nothing! Lemonade is not always delicious either.


Be Visionary! It Is Your Right and Your Responsibility! (pg i)

If I look cold, it is due to the lack of heat. Even the sun has a right to be lazy every now and then.


Jennifer Greene is Amazing! Page i

Her feedback and support has been critical to the art and delivery of Visionary Evaluation


Who Wins Vision or Action? Page ii

Hint. Neither and Both


Beverly Parsons is Awesome! Page iiv


Lovely Dhillon is Awesome! Page iiv


Best ISBN Number Ever! Page iv.

Running a few click bait tests…


A “Show” Not a “Tell”. Introducing the Table of Contents. I once had a writing teacher tell me to “show, don’t tell. It’s not as effective”. Page v.


What’s being served up on the Visionary Evaluation Table of Contents? You are going to need a digestif. Amari. Amoni! Page v.

So Much Goodness!


What’s The Impact Of One Person? Obviously nothing. I mean just look a all those one person non (network) events in history and on Twitter. Page vii


Three Future Scenarios. 1) You win 2) You lose 3) I win… click to get your (sur) prize. Page vii


Visionary Evaluation is Not A Toolkit. It is a Way of Being. And if that sounds profound, just keep on watching to get the truly deep impact of the disappointment that awaits. Page viii


What’s the backstory? How did all of this happen?! It almost didn’t. That is not really true but makes it more interesting doesn’t it? Page viii


What questions are Visionary Evaluatives asking? Maybe questions like Where’s the beef? Who’s in charge here? Can you here me now? Naw. We could only wish/vision for such significant questions in our evaluative endeavors. Page ix


What’s your vision for the Anthropocene? Confidently pronouncing Anthropocene? Spelling it correctly? Having a clue what it means? What a future that would be. Page 1. Seriously.


The Interrupting World and the Myth of Multitasking. I’ve been trying to post this for months but there were these post its everywhere, my phone is way more interesting, my kids are like so annoying and my wife is of course like the best ever and deserves all of my attention… so just getting to it. Page 1.


The Principles of Visionary Evaluatives…what do they mean? I was thinking that I’m supposed to know the answer but then realized that is probably the opposite of what a VE would think. Whoops. Another VE principle is about iteration…I think I should focus on that one. Page 2.


A nice little handy dandy board displaying the principles of Visionary Evaluatives. Handy dandy is not said often enough. But maybe I’m missing something about who it might alienate. Yankee Doodle prolly. Page 2.


Is this the end of Stability? The end of the world more like if the cicadas have anything to say/sing about it. Page 3.


Three future scenarios to explore that may help us with the task of visioning a future we want. Page 3.


What are Values? A topic explored throughout Visionary Evaluation and will be deeply considered as part of many praxes on - Civilization Mapping and Ethic, for instance. Page 4


Who must understand our values? Surely increasing transparency of our values must be important to ever improved alignment between actions and values and the world we create. Right? Page 5


I thought some disciplinary epistemological philosophizing might pass the time at a stoplight today. Yep. Worked. Page 5.


Why care about evaluation’s promise to humanity? I mean, who has the time? Tiger Shirts. Red Espresso Machines. So many worthy distractions. Page 5.


Is there any hope for evaluation? The story Missing the Fruit for the Ladder - another deep praxis on - is about the coevolution of the mind of humanity and nature. Sheesh. We are building a world that’s stacking the odds against the likelihood that evaluation honors the well being of all life. Page 6.


Now what in tarnation does vision have to do with Evaluation? Only pretty much everything from here on out. Page 7.




Furlough Furrows


The Silwood Group